European Sustainable Energy Week returns 20 ​ - 22 June 2023 – calls to shape policy discussions and award nominations open

EUSEW 2023 is open for co-creation under the ‘Accelerating the clean energy transition - towards lower bills and greater skills’ theme

The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), the biggest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe, will take place from 20 - 22 June 2023. The event will explore how Europe can rapidly achieve energy independence in the context of the current geopolitical situation and energy market realities. Protecting European consumers from price volatility and increasing their skills to produce and save energy will be key factors in reaching this goal.

EUSEW brings together Europe’s sustainable energy community to discuss and debate on energy policies and goals such as the REPowerEU Plan and reaching climate-neutrality by 2050 as part of the European Green Deal. With 2023 announced as the European Year of Skills, thematic areas of the event will additionally focus on skills for the clean energy transition, next to energy efficiency, renewables, affordability and inclusion in the clean energy transition, and decarbonisation policies and international cooperation.

What: EUSEW 2023 will include a Policy Conference, the EUSEW Awards, the Energy Fair and the fourth edition of the European Youth Energy Day. A series of locally-organised Sustainable Energy Days will also be taking place around the world in the lead-up to the event.

When: 20 - 22 June, 2023

Where: EUSEW 2023 will take place in a hybrid format, with both participants and speakers attending online and onsite in Brussels.

Who: Public authorities, energy agencies, industry associations, businesses, civil society organisations, media, city councils, European institutions, private companies, research organisations, citizen groups, NGOs, SMEs and start-ups, networks of national, regional and local authorities, consumer associations, citizens’ groups, youth associations and other energy stakeholders involved in leading the transition towards renewable energy in Europe. 

Mark the dates in your event calendars! Event registration will open in April 2023. 

What is on offer for the European sustainable energy community

Celebrate clean energy pioneers: Apply for the EUSEW Awards or nominate a candidate

The European Sustainable Energy Awards recognise outstanding individuals and projects for their innovation and efforts in energy efficiency and renewables. This year’s EUSEW Awards categories celebrate inspiring innovators, women, and local actors who are making a real difference. Award winners in previous editions of EUSEW have been organisations, consortiums, entrepreneurs, campaigners, researchers, politicians, and industry representatives leading great initiatives in the energy field.

Submit an application or nominate a candidate until 9 February 2023.


Lead in-depth policy discussions: Organise a session at the Policy Conference

Policy sessions at the hybrid event will bring together voices from the frontline of Europe’s energy transition to debate and discuss policy priorities, goals and next steps around the theme of ‘Accelerating the clean energy transition - towards lower bills and greater skills’.

Policymakers within public institutions, media, organisations and associations working in the field of sustainable energy and renewables, as well as those acting as multipliers with a widespread network of contacts across Europe, can apply for the call to organise a policy session.

Apply to organise a policy session until 1 February 2023.


Apply to host a stand at the EUSEW Energy Fair

The Energy Fair allows organisations working in clean energy to showcase their project, organisation or initiative onsite in Brussels, and build connections within the sustainable energy community.

Apply until 2 March 2023.


Discover all the ways to get involved in EUSEW 2023.

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Twitter: @euenergyweek #EUSEW2023

Facebook: European Sustainable Energy Week

YouTube: EU Energy Week

LinkedIn: European Sustainable Energy Week


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About European Sustainable Energy Week

The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is the biggest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe and comprises a series of activities aimed at building a secure and clean energy future for Europe.

It brings together public authorities, private companies, NGOs, EU project partners, researchers and consumers to promote initiatives to go green and digital for Europe's energy transition.

Launched in 2007 by the European Commission, EUSEW is organised by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), in close cooperation with Directorate-General for Energy.